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Me geeking out in New Zealand

Right-brained or left-brained? I've never been able to pick just one. I love technology and solving puzzles, but I also can’t live without creativity in my life.

As a “full stack” Product Designer with a special focus in UX, my ultimate passion lies in creating smooth, intuitive, and functional experiences for users. I work from a place of natural empathy in order to understand user needs, and I back up that empathy with research.

Drawing from my dual background in graphic design and IT, I enjoy working on products end-to-end, blending art and science to craft the best possible experience for users and win their long-term loyalty.


Taekwondo: I am currently a purple belt! Kicking things is fun.

Linguistics: I have had a love of languages since I was a child, and nothing fascinates me more than learning the ways that other cultures communicate. Sadly, I am only fluent in English, but it’s my goal to learn at least one other language. Want to teach me yours?

Travel: So far I have been to three continents. Four more to go!

Television: I love my TV shows, especially those in the sci-fi/fantasy genre.

Cooking: To the surprise of my younger self, I actually love cooking and baking now. If you’re nice to me I might make you a batch of my famous chocolate chip cookies.

© 2022 Christina Scanlon. All Rights Reserved.